Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 132 – Mrs P Evans


20th September 2011


Environment and Sustainability Committee,

Cardiff Bay,

CF99 1NA



To whom it may concern


I am writing as a home owner, living in the village of Abermule that through the introduction of TAN8 is one of the proposed hub site locations in Mid Wales. It is a thriving village with a growing Primary school, community centre, 2 pubs, village shop, chapel, church and endless beautiful countryside, National Trust properties, Cadw sites, river, canal and wildlife. It is described as a growing commuter village sought after as a place to live for all of the above reasons.


TAN 8 kills that dead! It has a total disregard for the visual impact, causes mental and physical stress on the community now 600ft turbines (the likes of which has not been seen before in such numbers), and deforestation to accommodate this. The noise level, health issues transport disruption the list is endless!!


Pylons that are visually obtrusive (even if they are not the design that is used now i.e. painted green!!) Prices going down on houses and people moving away, schools closing a dying community. This is the reality of my village a village in Wales it will be an unrecoverable situation for my community if this is allowed to happen.


Please help



Mrs P Evans